The S-Series tubes are based on an extra large size plate system. This system is derived from earlier 52B type tubes, and has proven to be most reliable for high power applications. The advantage of the AA 32B-S is the higher filament current, which will make it possible to reproduce peak-power signals with less distortion.


Tube AA 32B-S
Plate Voltage 515 V
Plate Current 110 mA
Plate Current 160 mA max.
Plate Dissipation 65 W
Transconductance 6.1 mA / V
Grid Voltage -106 V
Grid Resistor 50K Ohms
Amplification Factor 4.0
Plate Impedance 615 Ohms
Load Impedance 1200 - 2800 Ohms
THD <0.1 %
Power Output pure Class-A 23 W
Filament Voltage 4.5 - 5.0 V
Filament Current 2.0 A
Tube size incl. Socket H 195 x 68 mm

All Ayon vacuum tubes possess a vacuum of 10-9 Torr, a maximum grid current of 2.2 microampere and absolutely constant emission.