The Beowulf monaural amplifier is a milestone in amplifier design. The combination of bi-polar and MOSFET power devices in one enclosure is a first and creates great advantages in music reproduction and control of bi-wired or bi-amplified speaker systems. Basically, the Beowulf is two power amplifiers in one enclosure. One amplifier section, based on bipolar power devices, is optimized to handle low frequency information, while the other amplifier section, based on MOSFET power devices, is optimized to handle high frequency information. All vital signal components are hand selected and matched.
Normally this is incapable, but thanks to a very careful matching of power devices in time domain, timbre and tonal balance, the Beowulf handles the change over from the low frequency amplifier section to the high frequency section without any audible disadvantages.
Every power amplifier section is capable of delivering 450W in 8 Ohms, 900W in 4 Ohms and 1800W in 2 Ohms continuously. This immense strength is realized thanks to the huge switch mode power supply capable of supplying the amplifier sections with more than 10kVA of power. Beowulf is a very versatile design that offers the possibility to either use the amplifier in a bi-wired speaker configuration or with an external crossover for bi-amplified speaker configuration.