- 2 sets of balanced inputs
- 5 sets of unbalanced inputs
- 1 set of tape out
- 2 sets of unbalanced outputs
- 1 set of balanced outputs
- Thd less than 0.05% 20-20000hz
- System Remote control in machined aluminum.
The S2 has a complete balanced signal from input to output with
no conversion used.
The Preamp operates in pure class A with single ended gain stage,
Single stage amplification and mosfet outputs. DC coupled with no
capacitors, no servo, and temperature compensated Current sources.
Volume control of shunt to ground type. Large toroidal transformer
with multi stage active regulation and multi stage Passive filtering.
Dot Matrix Display with possibility to name inputs etc. Possible to
adjust input sensitivity for each input. Special surr mode for easy
connection to surround processors.