The Phono Input Port


The Serial Data Input module is the input point for digital audio signals coming from MCA768/MCK768. It is the third component in this troika which makes it possible to digitise phono signals at the highest standard. The component serves as a receiver of the digital phono signal.


Worldwide Unique


In this module in addition the required RIAA equalization and also other characteristics necessary when playing Venyl-records are calculated in four digital signal processors in real time. This is performed at the very high sampling frequency of 768kHz.


Digital Arithmetic-logic Unit


You may wonder why this effort is done. The answer is very simple. The faults caused in a 48 bits wide digital arithmetic-logic unit are much smaller than ever possible in any analogue equalizer. The results are arbitrarily often reproducible at any time.


No Analog Components


There are no analog components which would be subject to natural fluctuations. There are no analog coupling capacitors or capacitors for time constants which would cause mistakes again and again.


Several Equalizer Characteristics


And "last not least": the coefficients for different equalizer characteristics can be entered numerical, stored and called without the slighest wear or fluctuation in the reproducibility as this is the case at analogue, adjustable equalizers.


The behold APU768 pre-amp is designed for up to three SDI768 that means three phono inputs are possible.