Reference XL Single-Ended Interconnect


Reference XL Interconnect represents thousands of hours of research and design time. It uses MM Technology to gain many of the same perfomance benefits found in our OPUS MM and Reference MM acbles. This painstakingly crafted RCA interconnect transfers low level signals with the quietness and precision required of the highest resolution applications. Reference XL Single-Ended Interconnect is available in two versions:

  • optimized for solid-state components (SRXL SS)
  • optimized for valve (tube) components (SRXL V)




Reference XL Balanced Interconnect


Reference XL Balanced Interconnects should only be a consideration for the finest differentially balanced components. Reference XL Balanced Interconnect is available in two versions:

  • optimized for solid-state components (BRXL SS)
  • optimized for valve (tube) components (BRXL V)